How to Acclimate My Cat to the ScoopFree® Crystal Smart Automatic Litter Box
The acclimation process will vary from cat to cat. The most important part of the process is giving your cat enough time to acclimate. This article outlines some techniques you can try to help your cat accept your new ScoopFree® self-cleaning litter box.
Place Next to Old Box
Place the ScoopFree® litter box next to your old litter box and leave unplugged for a day or two. This will allow your cat to explore his curiosities about the new litter box without being spooked by the automatic raking.
Allow your cat to have access to both the old and new litter boxes for at least a week. Time may vary depending on the temperament of your cat.
Old Litter on New
Scoop some litter (about ½ cup) from the old litter box and sprinkle across the ScoopFree® litter tray. This will help your cat feel more comfortable with the new litter box by introducing a familiar smell.
New Litter on Old
Sprinkle a little crystal litter (about ¼ cup) in the old litter box. Some cats are hesitant about the feeling of the crystal litter. By introducing a little into his old litter box, you can help your cat get used to the feeling of the crystal on his paws.
Make ScoopFree® the Preferred Place
Stop cleaning your cat’s old litter box, allowing it to remain dirty. Cats prefer a clean litter box, so as the litter in the old litter box gets shallow and its odor increases, this should make the ScoopFree® more appealing.
Once your cat has transitioned to the ScoopFree® Litter Box, remove the old litter box from the area.
If your old litter box was in a high-humidity area like a bathroom, you will need to relocate it to a room with less moisture.
Contact Customer Care
If you need further assistance, please contact our customer care team.