My Pet Is Scratching the Traction Surface on My PetSafe® Happy Ride® Telescoping Ramp

Ensure the ramp is the right size for the height of your vehicle. Measure the height of the point of entry of your vehicle. If this measurement is above 28 inches, we recommend using the Happy Ride® Extra Long Telescoping Ramp which can be purchased from our website here.

Fully extend the ramp to create a less steep incline for your pet to climb.

Revisit acclimation and training to make sure your pet is comfortable with the ramp. If your pet feels unstable or uncomfortable with the ramp, they may be gripping tighter with their nails while they walk.

If your dog is elderly or has a loss of muscle mass, we recommend a longer ramp to create a more gradual angle for your pet to walk up.

If you need new high-traction surface replacement, contact our customer care.

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